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Our Partners
Late. K Tejeswar Rao
Partner till 1998

Late. K Tejeswar Rao Partner, since formation till 1998.He was the guiding force of the team with his vast experience of over 30 years in the field of accounting, auditing, taxation and management consultancy.

CA B. Gangaraju
Senior Partner

He has been with the firm since 1966. He has wide exposure in the field of audit, accounts, Income Tax and Sales Tax, Past President and an active Rotarian for more than three decades. Served as Chairman of Bhubaneswar Branch of EIRC of ICAI & Brahmapur Branch of EIRC of ICAI

CA P. Venugopala Rao
Senior Partner

He has been with the firm since 1970. He has wide exposure in the fields of audit, accounts, taxation and financial consultancy. Currently he is an independent Director & Chairman of Audit Committee Board of Odisha Lift Irrigation Corporation, and Chairman of Spectrum Group of Companies. Earlier he served as Director and Chairman Audit Committee of Odisha Hydropower Corporation Ltd, Director of Rushikulya Gramya Bank (a subsidiary of Andhra Bank), Director of Hirakud Industrial Works Ltd., Konark Jute Ltd, Orichem Ltd, (All Govt. of Odisha undertakings) and Manas Prawn Farms (P) Ltd, and as an Independent Director of Odisha Construction Corporation Ltd. & Odisha State Police Housing and Welfare Corporation Ltd.
At Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), he served as Chairman of Bhubaneswar Branch of EIRC of ICAI for two terms, was a co-opted member of the Public Relation Committee of Central Council of ICAI during 1991-92, Corporate Laws Committee of the Central Council of ICAI during 1998-99, Auditing & Assurance Standard Broad of ICAI (AASB). He chaired several technical sessions in the Seminars organized by Bhubaneswar Branch of Eastern India Regional Council of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). He presented several papers in Seminars, Workshops and Symposia organized by the Bhubaneswar Branch of Eastern India Regional Council of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Contributed papers on several topics of professional interest to newsletters and souvenirs etc. He has been member of Financial Reporting Review Group (FRRG) of ICAI.
Conducted a study on behalf of World Bank/DFID/ Govt. of Odisha on State Financial Accountability Assessment on Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) and State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs).
Past President, an active Rotarian for more than 3 decades and a Multiple Paul Harries Fellow. Served as President of Andhra Cultural Association, Bhubaneswar and Bhubaneswar Telugu Samakhya.

CA B. Vijay

He has joined the firm in 2004 and is having good exposure in the field of Information Technology (I.T.). He has got professional expertise in the field of IT and BPO services. He had successfully completed the following certified course conducted by various committees of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
  • Concurrent Audit of banks conducted by Internal Audit Standards Board of ICAI;
  • Certificate course on International Financial Reporting Standards conducted by Ind AS (IFRS) Implementation Committee of ICAI;
  • Certificate course on Indirect Taxes conducted by Indirect Taxes Committee of ICAI;
  • Certificate course on GST conducted by Indirect Taxes Committee of ICAI; and
  • Certificate Course on Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection conducted by ICAI.
At ICAI he is currently a Special Invitee Member of GST & Indirect Taxes committee of Central Council of ICAI for the year 2021-22 and had earlier served
  • as a Co-opted member of Banking, Financial Services & Insurance Committee of EIRC of ICAI for the year 2018-2019;
  • as a Special Invitee Member of GST & Indirect Taxes committee of Central Council of ICAI for the year 2019-20;
  • as a Co-opted Member of the Corporate Laws & Corporate Governance Committee (CL&CGC) of Central council of ICAI for the year 2020-21
He had successfully qualified the Indian Institute of Corporate affairs Online Proficiency Self-Assessment Test for Independent Director's Databank. He is an active Rotarian for more than a decade.

CA Dinakar Mohanty

He has been with the firm since 1998. Has good exposure in the fields of audit, taxation and project consultancy. He is expert in implementing and audit of internal financial control mechanism in place. He has good exposure in risk assessment and mitigation. He has been a member of Financial Reporting Review Group (FRRG) of ICAI. He is a Diploma holder in Information System Audit. He has also done certificate course on Concurrent Audit of Banks conducted by ICAI.

CA Dhanajaya Rao

He has been with the firm since 1989. He has wide exposure in the field of taxation. also

CA S. Ayappa Kumar

He has been with the firm since 1997. He has good exposure in the field of Accounts.

CA Nirjharini Rath

She has been with the firm since 2006. She has good exposure in the field of Accounts, Project Finance, Banking & Information Technology. She is expert in implementing and audit of internal financial control mechanism in place. She is a Diploma holder in Information System Audit. She has under taken a course on SAP (FICO module). She is GST qualified from ICAI.

CA Ramaballava Misra

CA Ramaballava Mishra retired as Chairman-cum-Managing Director of Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd, Ranchi, a Central PSU. Prior to this, Shri. Mishra had worked as Director (Finance), Grid Corporation of Odisha (Gridco), Uttarakhand Jal Vidyut Nigam and HECL. A gold medallist in Master of Commerce from Utkal University, Shri. Mishra is a qualified Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant, Company Secretary and also holds a Law degree. He was also selected by UPSC for IRAS in 1982. He was awarded ‘BT-Star PSU Excellence Award 2012’ in the turn around category for outstanding contribution to the industry. Finally on his retirement as CMD of Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd. after a long & cherished career, he has joined us in 2017. He is expert in handling financial reforms & Corporate Governance related work especially in Power Sector.

CA G V Rao

More than 30 Years of rich experience in Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) covering many areas of work vis-à-vis compilation of Accounts at Plant level having its own Captive Mines and also consolidation of accounts of various branch offices, Mines and Resident Offices etc in the company in addition to handling Tax Audit, Statutory Audit and Govt. Audit etc as well. Visited British Steel plc, UK under Advance Financial Management Programme of SAIL conducted by British Steel Consultants Limited. He is a Recipient of Jawar Award for Best Executive in Finance and had attended various Training Programmes on Managerial and Personality Development at Management Training Institute (MTI), Ranchi during his tenure of employment.

CA Abhaya Ku Jena

He has been with the firm since 2015. He has good exposure in the field of Accounts & Audit. Prior to his joining the firm, he has served in NALCO in the Finance & Accounts Dept. for over 30 years and retired as General Manager (F). He has good exposure in the field of Accounts, Project Finance & Taxation.

CA Krishna Mohan L

More than 30 years of post qualification experience in different Central PSUs viz-a-viz NTPC Ltd, Praga tools Ltd and NMDC Ltd in different levels and retired as General Manager (Finance) from NMDC Ltd. Had worked in different areas of finance department, like finalisation of accounts, internal audit, fund management and handling of statutory audits, Government audits and internal audit of the companies. Has also exposure in accounting of construction projects in NTPC Ltd and Steel Plant Construction in NMDC Ltd. Involved in the capitalization of these construction projects.

CA Rajsekhar Nakala

Has rich work experience spanning for more than three decades in various fields of finance, at South Eastern Coal Fields Limited and Mahanadi Coal Fields Limited (Subsidiaries of Coal India Limited) where he worked at different capacities in different field of finance such as finalization of accounts, handling audits (Statutory, Comptroller of Auditor General of India and Internal audits), Corporate Finance, Corporate Treasury, Project and Planning, Budget and Cost control, CAPEX management and thereafter retired as General Manager (Finance) in the year 2019. During his tenure of employment, he had played crucial role in implementation of system development in coal net, implementation of ERP, E-payments & E-procurements, Computerisation of Store accounting and cash transactions. Actively he had participated in preparation of accounts & finance manuals and standards for the company. He also served as member (Finance) on the board of MNH Shakti Ltd and MBPL (subsidiaries of Mahanadi Coal Fields Limited).

CA Hiralal Roy

Has been with the Firm since 2021. He has good exposure in the field of Project Finance, Accounts & Audit. Prior to joining the Firm, he has retired as Executive Director (Finance) in West Bengal Electronics Industry Development Corporation Ltd., Kolkata and a Board member of its subsidiary companies. Prior to this, CA Roy worked as General Manager (Finance) in Central Electricity Supply Utility, Bhubaneswar and earlier served in other organizations namely, Dishergarh Power Supply Company Ltd. and Engineering Projects (India) Ltd.

CA Moningi Vaishnavi

She has been with the firm since 2017. She handles Project Consultancy, Loan Syndication work and internal audits. She had worked in South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda. She is also a qualified Cost Accountant and a Company secretary. She had attained All India 7th Rank in her IPCC Examination conducted by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, 17th Rank in ICWAI Inter Examination & 49th Rank in final Examination conducted by Institute of Cost & Works accountants of India and 21st Rank in her Inter Examination conducted by Institute of Company Secretary of India.

CA G Prateek

He has qualified in the year 2020 and is with the firm since then. He handles GST works.

CA Meenakshi Sharma

She has been with the firm since 2015. She has good exposure in the field of Project Finance & Taxation.

CA Madhav Sure

He has been with the firm since 2015. He has good exposure in the field of Accounts, Project Finance & Taxation.

CA Manoj Kumar Patra

He has been with the firm since 2011. He has good exposure in the field of Accounts, Project Monitoring, Project Finance, Banking & Taxation (Direct & Indirect). Also providing legal consultancy services.

CA Siddharth Ranjan

He has qualified in the year 2000 He has been with the firm since 2017. He handles Project Consultancy & Loan Syndication work. He is a faculty for Indirect Tax Committee of ICAI.

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